Friday 29 March 2013


(Jordan and Beth sat on the Sofa watching a horror film at night)
Jordan: I’m letting you stay up but dad said I had to put you to bed at 10, but I’m letting you stay up. Ok?
Beth: Ok
Jordan: You’re not going to be scared are you?
Beth: No I won’t be scared
Jordan: Promise?
Beth: Yeah, I won’t be scared
Jordan: Ok (gets darker and get further into film)
Beth: It’s scary (loud squeal from the film, Beth screams)
Beth: This is too scary, I’m going to bed. (Beth goes upstairs to bed)
Jordan: Why? (teasing) He’s gonna get you! (Beth goes to bed, looks out the window, sees the scarecrow but thinks nothing of it. She wakes up and finds the scarecrow has moved and runs to her dad)
Beth: (panicked) The scarecrows moved!
Stuart: What? What you on about, go back to bed. (Beth goes back to bed but is eventually woken by the same knocking, she looks and the scarecrow has moved even closer she rushes to her dad again)

Beth: (panicked) Dad, it’s getting closer!
Stuart: Look Beth it’s three in the morning bab, go back to bed it’s just a dream (Beth goes back to her room, the lights switch off, she turns around, the scarecrow emerges, the door slams and she screens. Dip to black and titles roll)

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