Sunday 31 March 2013


The basic plot of ‘The Scarecrow’ is that Bethany Weir stays up late with her brother and watches a horror film against her dads wishes. The film scares her so she goes to bed. When she gets to bed she sees a scarecrow, thinks nothing of it and goes to bed. She is later woken by a tap on the window. She looks out and the scarecrow has moved. She goes and tells her dad who dispels her claim saying ‘it’s just a dream’ so she goes back to bed. Later she is woken again by the same ominous tapping and the scarecrow is even closer. She rushes to her dad in a panicked state to tell her dad who again ignores her claims. When she goes back to her room the lights switch off, the scarecrow emerges, the door slams and a scream is heard.

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