Wednesday 16 January 2013

Dark Knight Rises Opening Sequence Analysis

The Dark knight rises was made by Warner Bros in 2012. It had a budget os $250 million and grossed over $1 billion at the box office. It had such a large budget to enable a more glamerous cast and sophisticated special effects to make it more appealing to audiences then the previous two films in the trilogy. It was directed by Christopher Nolan who assembled a cast which on the whole were British like him.

Dark titles eerie music imply the nature of the film and who makes it. Key colours black and dark blue connotes moody and cold atmosphere. Material of titles metallic signifying the industry of Gotham city. Eerie incidental music sets tone for audience. Then goes to into a close up of breaking ice. This symbolises batman rising from the dead rising from a bad past.

Opening scene is from the last film, it’s followed by dip to black shows the definite end of the dark knight and the passage of time between the films. Christopher Nolan challenges the convention for the opening of a film by not having any titles ie the name of the film and who is in it. This could indicate the ambiguous nature of the film. It could be an air of arrogance as everyone knows what the film is and who is in it. Alternatively it could be a direct continuation from the previous two films in the trilogy.

Low angle shot of CIA agent shows his power over the other characters, it’s heightened his costume of wearing casual clothes and the others wearing military uniforms. There are 3 hooded men implying terrorism. Iconography of prisoners is eastern European gangsters. Aerial shot of plane against inhospitable mountain landscape, connoting a rendition flight. In the plane the roles of antagonist and protagonist is thrown into question as the CIA agent hangs the prisoner out of the door at gun point. This is because they are in a frantic pursuit of the main antagonist bane. Forward tracking onto Bane’s back suggests terrorism hostage situation, even though he is the hostage showing how even in vulnerable positions he is powerful. The CIA agent is now shot from high angle and Bane shot from a low angle showing a power shift. Banes voice is very different from other characters as it has been altered in post production.

Extreme long shot of mountainous surroundings re-establishes scene and shows Banes larger plane, highlighting the power shift. The plane is then hijacked with lots of quick cuts showing the action in the scene. There is loud non diegetic music of drums adding a sense of a cult. There is a blood transfusion from the scientist into a body which suggests the pre planed nature of the hijack, Bane also says he planned to be caught. He also gets one of his minions to essentially commit suicide just by asking him to stay in the plane, reinstating his cult status. The last shot of the opening sequence shows Bane dangling out of a plane over the desolate landscape.

This implies he needs the help of others to complete his plans and that no one saw his actions so he got away with heist.

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